One of the best parts of owning a home is having a space that is “yours”. One that allows you to come home after a long day at work, taking care of kids, or spending time in meetings and just relax. For many people that space is their backyard, but for too long we’ve gone back there to a bland space that really doesn’t get us excited.
Say goodbye to those days and hello to a pergola.

What is a pergola?

Pergolas are an outdoor structure for your backyard – however, unlike most of their outdoor counterparts pergolas come with no walls, and their roof is composed of beams only leave the ability for some natural light to come in.

What makes a pergola so great?

Pergolas, as stated before, allow natural light to come in. Yet, they protect you from elements still making it an ideal structure for your home.
They also are usually cost-effective to build – no walls or coverings really help reduce the price. Meaning you can complete one on a budget and still transform your yard.
Lastly, installing them is usually a breeze as well. All you’ll really need is a flat service – this allows you to place them almost anywhere in your backyard giving you the perfect structure for your home.
Pergolas are a great structure that you can complete in a weekend to completely transform your backyard space. What are some other great ideas you have that can make your backyard look amazing?