A generator can keep going for a considerable length of time however it needs appropriate support. Much the same as it’s critical to eat well and exercise, a generator likewise needs upkeep to keep it from separating. The better the upkeep, the more extended your generator will work without the requirement for broad fixes, which can convert into genuine money from acquiring costly parts or notwithstanding supplanting the entire unit. Peruse on for seven top support tips to guarantee that your electrical generator is sheltered and prepared to go when the power runs out.
Here is what a few contractors have to say about maintenance for your generator:
Exercise your generator“I start my generator up every three months as recommended by the manufacturer and let it run for about 20 minutes to charge the battery for my electric starter.” – Larry Meacham Build a generator garage
“For a portable generator, we poured a small concrete pad and basically built a doghouse over the unit that is hinged to the pad. It worked better than a blue tarp.” – Al Cecil A door for cords
“Most people run extension cords into the house through an open window or door. But our fireplace has a small cleanout door on the outside, so I run extension cords through it.” – Charles Crocker Unplug the freezer
“Freezers and fridges are power hogs. But you can disconnect them from your generator and free up power for other stuff. First, turn the temperature settings way down. When they reach the lower temperature, unplug them and don’t open their doors unless you have to. They’ll act like coolers and stay cold for a long time. Freezers usually will keep food frozen about 24 hours. During that time, the generator is free to power tools or your big-screen TV.” – Rick Granger